Professional Development Done Differently

Having the support of a coach has been out of reach for so many people....
until now!

Coaching over E-mail? What?

What you WON'T get:


Facebook Groups


Videos to watch


Zooms, Google Meets or phone calls

What you WILL get:


Coaching check-in


Direct correspondence with your virtual coach (me)


Reflection prompts


When you sign up to have me as your virtual e-mail coach, you're making a commitment to do one thing:

Hit reply to an email from me once a week to answer three coaching questions.
Over the coming week, what will you:

  1. KEEP doing?

  2. STOP doing?

  3. START doing?

On Monday's I will respond to every single email. Over time, we'll be building a really strong coaching partnership where you'll be kept accountable and pushed beyond your current way of thinking.

That's it - that's the program. You get an e-mail, you reply & see the small incremental improvements you make over time add up to something extraordinary.

Why it'll work;

We don't all do our best thinking mid conversation

You can do this work in the spa with a vino, out on a walk or anywhere else your brain has space to think. 
E-mail coaching is the most flexible way to work with a coach because you get to do it in your own time, in your own way.

You've got some skin in the game

E-mail coaching is by far the most affordable way to work with me as your coach - but you're still investing your hard-earned. We all want good value for money- and that's one of the reasons while you'll follow through on this and make sure you get value out of it.

I'm your accountability buddy

I'll be looking out for your email reflections and will respond to every one.

Dip your toes in the water

If you don't really know what coaching is all about, this is a great entry point. Once you realise how it all works, you may well want to begin a more comprehensive coaching program. But, for most leaders, this will be all you need to build the reflective habits you want to see. 

Why I created this

My business model for Coaching CoLab is simple:

Create things that I wish I'd had access to when I was a teacher.

E-mail coaching is a totally new way of looking at how you can work with a professional coach. I think it's just what busy, self-determined and motivated people need to turn goals into realities.

It's non-intrusive, accessible and affordable. And MY GOD I'm proud to be able to offer these things to the world. 

Your role in all of this is to first of all ask yourself: how would you feel, if in 12 months time you were in the exact same position you are now?
If you love your answer to that question- congratulations, sounds like you're smashing it! If not, strap in, because with you + me + and this virtual coaching journey you'll be able to overhaul what the next year will look like. 

You'll keep an eye out for my weekly coaching e-mail & commit 10 minutes or so each weekend towards reflecting on what's been happening for you. Once you've thought about that, you'll go ahead and share your reflections with me. It's not too taxing and that's why you'll stick to it! 

Over time you'll become incredible at reflecting, reviewing and resetting. These are the small incremental improvements will take you from where you are now, to where you want to be. 

My role in all of this is to send you an e-mail each Friday with ideas that I think you may find interesting, useful or motivational, as well as 3 important questions that will change the course of your year:

I've got time set aside each Monday to respond to every single one your reflections and queries.

You get regular and individualised communication with me as your virtual coach for an entire year for less that the cost of a term of traditional coaching. 

E-mail coaching is all about support and accountability

Join any time of the year from anywhere in the world.

You'll stay on track knowing that each week that I'm expecting your e-mail. 

I'll get to know your goals really well and be able to share all sorts of resources to add some oomph to your journey.

We'll be able to collaborate & celebrate your way towards the best year of your work-life!

Fine Print

You don't need to wait for any particular time of the year to join E-mail Coaching. Your 12 months begins when your first e-mail arrives.

E-mails will be launched on Friday mornings N.Z time so if you're somewhere else in the world you do the time-zone maths. You've got all  weekend to send me your reflections, wonderings & celebrations. I'll respond to every single one of those messages on Monday N.Z time. If you don't get it to me on time, or skip a week here and there kei te pai (it's all good).

Click below to see all of the T's and C's

 My most popular coaching program

$550 for 10 weeks

3 hyper targeted coaching conversations over 10 weeks.

Looking for good ol' traditional coaching?

Check out these 1:1 coaching options.

A big commitment
gets big results


Get me in to work with your team on your turf.

Give me a yell and we'll chit-chat:

021 025 026 84



Office Hours:
Any time I like!


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