Time for a change?
Let's make it happen.

I'm going to give you the inside scoop about how I said "ka kite" to the steady income and job security of being a teacher, and launched a business in 2019.

Originally the plan was to do this as a live webinar, then I started getting feedback from people who were cautious about all their workmates potentially turning up and seeing each other there!
So Plan B, is that I'll pre-record a webinar outlining the 12 month career-change plan I followed when I left teaching. I'll send it straight to your inbox in mid-June and you can kick back and watch it whenever you like... without having to worry about any awkward staffroom chats the next day. 

If you've got some burning questions that you're really keen for me to address in the recording, please let me know in the registration form below:

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Cheers. I'll fire through the recording in Mid-July.


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