Mentor Teacher Problems #1

What to do when you're responsible for a beginning teacher who won't take initiative

Here are some coaching questions that can help you to find the answers that work best for you (and hopefully your B.T):

🍎 What have you done so far to make the expectations for your B.T crystal clear?

🍏 What else could you do?

🍎 What could happen if you stopped bailing out your B.T?

🍏 What could happen if you kept bailing out your B.T?

🍎 What will you start doing MORE of to encourage your B.T to become more independent?

🍏 What will you start doing LESS of that will encourage your B.T to become more independent?

Remember: Changing your own behaviour is hard, changing someone else's is impossible. Take time to think about what you can do in this situation. It's way more constructive than mulling over what your B.T should be doing. 

Can you hear that?

It's the sound of me cheering you on 👏

Kate oxox


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